
Darbuka Lessons Forums Learn Darbuka Forum Kick Sound in Clay Darbuka

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  • #8874
    User AvatarLearn Darbuka

    Kick sound is unique to clay darbukas. It gives a player the tool to create harmonic sounds while playing clay darbuka. The larger the clay darbuka size, the more open the kick sound is, so the sound is heard more clearly. It also gives the opportunity to create more varieties in a composition.

    Here is a video showing kick sound in a 2/4 groove by Hakan Kaya. For more lessons, you can check our “Darbuka Lessons for Beginners and Intermediate Players” and “Darbuka Lessons for Intermediate/Advanced Players”.

    User AvatarAliG

    The kick sound is so cool. I love the exercises in the course for this. Mine still needs a lot of practice. 🙂

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